Welcome to our new Neighbors! We have many new neighbors this year and we want to say a very hearty welcome to each of you! Please feel free to join in our neighborhood activities and become involved. We would love to meet you!
FLAGS UP-How beautiful our neighborhood looks when we all have our American flags upon our mail box posts! Let’s continue the tradition all summer but especially on July 4th, and Labor Day.
TRAILERS - Covenant # 15-“No boat, camper, bus, or trailer, shall be parker closer to the street than the building setback line. No inoperative or unlicensed vehicle shall be parked on any lot in the subdivision or any street thereof.” Please comply with the covenants. Thank you.
MAIL BOX Replacements, If you wish to replace your mailbox, here are two companies many neighbors have used:
Otto Streetscapes Carroll Bradshaw
317 886 4400 317 523 7301
info@streetscape.com csbrads@comcast.net
If you paid 2018 HOA dues and you purchase a large black mail box, you can submit your receipt to: SWHOA, P.O. Box 453, New Palestine, IN 46163. The HOA will refund you $25.00.
SPEED LIMIT In Subdivision– The posted speed Limit is 20mph. Please observe it as we have many young children in our neighborhood. Don’t forget about those STOP signs too.
Section Volunteers for 2018
A- Connie Osborne, vacant F- J Ann Downing, Kim Cocke
B- Linda Dennemann, Lynn Gallighan G- Bart Lewis, Josh Cade
C- Sarah Keller, Doug Wood H-Dave and Jan Roberts
D-Paul Niehaus, Rhonda Kelsay I- Denny Hall, Joe Donninger
E-Jake Gardner, Martha Meno New Neighbor packet-Vicky Ruhl, Meg Niehaus
Trash Pickup info- Our trash companies have recently updated their trash pick-up system by using the “automatic arm”. Since the trash now goes higher into the air, trash may fall out and become airborne more easily. Both companies suggest we bag our trash inside the can.
Still pay Dues – HOA dues are due now for 2018. Checks can be sent to:
SWHOA, P.O. Box 453, New Palestine, IN 46163. Thank You!
Green Street sign poles: Please do not put any kind of tape on the green street sign poles. These poles were paid for with your dues money and belong to the whole neighborhood. Let’s keep them looking good. Thanks
FaceBook page – There is a page on Facebook titled “Schildmeier Woods New Pal Group” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1831082617178652/. Or, check out the “Schildmeier Woods New Pal Group” on facebook: www.facebook.com/.groups/.1831082617178652/ These areNOTsanctioned by the HOA but has some good neighborhood information on them.
Have a Great and Safe Summer!
Schildmeier Woods HOA